Food Prep Like a Shark

Pt 1. Food is meant to be a central part of life.

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about sharks lately… Living in Massachusetts, it’s hard to escape shark talk this time of year. And I admittedly get a little obsessed around shark week 😏 And the thing about sharks is, like the legendary oceanographer Matt Hooper said, “All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sharks, and that’s all”.

The entire existence of a shark is centered around finding food. And if you look at the rest of the natural world, the same can be said for pretty much much every species…EXCEPT US!

Pt 2. Modern life makes it extremely difficult to prioritize healthy eating

Now, yes - humans are “civilized” now *eye roll*, which means that our “food prep” looks a little different compared to the rest of our animal friends… i.e., a little less hunting/gathering, a little more grocery shopping and sautéing in a nice olive oil.

But here’s the thing…our lives are no longer designed to be nutrition-centric. In fact, it’s anything but. It seems like each year, we collectively increase our expectations of what we should accomplish each day, all while leaving increasingly less time for food. In essence, food PREP (meaning meal planning, grocery shopping, washing, chopping, cooking, etc.) has been pushed to the back burner (pun most certainly intended). And what’s especially tricky here is that one of the things we’ve increased our standards of is our HEALTH.

So, how are we supposed to get healthier (i.e. feel better and prevent/manage disease) if we’re barely saving any time in our days for nourishing ourselves properly (especially when so much of eating healthy also involves slowing down and enjoying food mindfully)? Well, to start, I am absolutely not suggesting you give up your hobbies and social life (that would sure make me a grumpy-gills!). I’m simply talking about finding a bit more of a balance and actually integrating food prep and nourishment more with your hobbies and social life.

Pt 3. How can we food prep like a shark, just a little more?

Ok, so, what the f#&^ do I mean by “food prep like a shark”, then? Well, like I said, I’m talking about making food prep more of a central part of your life…to intentionally prioritize it more. Our lives were initially designed to be food-centric…so let’s re-embrace that! 

There’s also a way to do this without adding stress to your life.You don’t have to make crazy elaborate meals. You don’t have spend hours in the kitchen each day (unless you really want to!). You don’t have to be scouring a new farmer’s market each day. But there are ways to spend more time acquiring and preparing (and ENJOYING) food, without adding to your stress. Here are a few tips:

  1. Schedule it in. When we set the intention to meal plan/grocery shop/meal prep/enjoy a longer meal, etc. before the day starts, we’re much more likely to actually do it. 

  2. Get inspired! Enjoying the journey should be as good as the reward of “doing the thing”, and in this case, I am talking about making food prep fun! Look online and in cookbooks for recipes you’re excited to try. Explore new cuisines by trying a new restaurant before diving in yourself. Start a recipe swap with friends and family. One night a week, have the kids pick out a recipe your family’s never tried before. Buy a foreign food at the farmer’s market and then figure out what to do with it once you get home. I mean, heck, sharks will try anything! …boots…license plates…

  3. Make it social! (my final and best tip, imo) You might find that it’s helpful to switch up the activity with friends once a week to making a new recipe together. Or trying a dinner club once a week instead of going out for drinks. Or involving the kids with dinner prep instead of trying to mitigate their fights while you’re trying to make dinner yourself at the same time.

One final note: no one has to do this. But if you’re looking to get healthier and feel better, and you’re often thinking: “There’s no time in the day anymore for this!”, might I suggest re-prioritizing your time and thinking like a shark just a bit more. And I know…food prep can be a bit daunting. But trust me, you can do this. You’re not gonna need a bigger boat. 🦈


It’s not your fault (why dieting hasn’t worked).